Board of Directors

Shri Mulubhai Kandoriya

Managing Director
(Member of Jilla Panchayat, Jamnagar District)

As a Manging Director of Accuprec, looking after company’s overall growth and development. His aim is to provide quality testing services with accuracy and precision to offer the clients a seamless experience in ensuring quality of the products.

Dr. Manish Rachchh
Director & CEO
  • E-mail:
  • (M) +91-90999 81023
    • LLB (2019)
    • Registered Patent Agent (2009)
    • Ph.D. (2007) Pharmacology
    • M.Pharm. (2002) Pharmacology

    As a Director (R&D) at Accuprec, looking after for F&D and R&D projects of the clients to be executed at Accuprec in the field of Pharma, Medical Device and Ayush sector, over and above serve as CEO of the company

    Current Affiliation:
    • Member of US-India Importer’s Council (USIIC)
    • Member of State level advisory Committee, IPFC, Govt. of Gujarat (GoG)
    • Registered CPCSEA nominee notified by Animal Welfare Board, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India (MoEF)
    • Registered Patent Agent with The Patent Office of India (IN/PA/1573)
    • Member of American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), MO, USA
    • Life Member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) (GUJ/RJK/LM/0043)
    • Life Member of Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS) (LR-231)
    • Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) (GU/LM-316)
    • DABT certified by American Board of Toxicology
    Previous Affiliation:
    • Section Head of Pharmacy at Gujarat Technological University (GTU)
    • Principal at S.J. Thakkar Pharmacy College

    Dr. Rina Gokani
    Director & CSO
  • E-mail: •
  • (M) +91-90996 16769
    • Patent Agent (2009)
    • Ph.D. (2010) Pharmacognosy
    • M.Pharm. (2004) Pharmacognosy

    As a Founder Director & CSO at Accuprec, involved in all types of testing services offered by the company. She filed 11 patent for different poly herbal formulations. Her ambition is to make Accuprec a top most preferred Public Testing Laboratory of Asia.

    Current Affiliation:
    • Life Member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)
    • Life Member of Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS)
    • Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)
    Previous Affiliation:
    • Associate Professor at S.J. Thakkar Pharmacy College
    • Sr. lecturer at Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of pharmacy, Vile Parle, Mumbai
    • Sr. lecturer at Smt. R. D. Gardi B. Pharmacy college, Nyara-Rajkot
    • Lecturer at Smt. R. B. Patel Mahila Pharmacy College, Rajkot

    Mr. Mayur Kandoriya
    Director & CMO
  • E-mail: •
  • (M) +91-99099 19545
    • MBA (Marketing)

    As a Director & CMO at Accuprec, involved in marketing of products of the company.